How I, as a Multiply Disabled, Chronically Ill, Neurodivergent Person Plan and Track Assignments

Hey everybody, Derek here. This is quite different from some of the things I would typically post here (it almost feels like I'm one of those "self-help" blogs or recipe blogs where you'll have to scroll for ages to just find the recipe), but I was writing this thread about assignment management on Twitter and… Continue reading How I, as a Multiply Disabled, Chronically Ill, Neurodivergent Person Plan and Track Assignments

The IEP System Needs Reform

Hi everybody! Before I get into this post, I need to stress that the views expressed here are my own and are not endorsed, vetted, or reflective of my employer's or educational institution's thoughts, beliefs, or official statements. Additionally, I'd also like to stress the purpose of this post is strictly education, and that all circumstances… Continue reading The IEP System Needs Reform

I LED my IEP Meeting Today

As a disabled high school student, I have always received accommodations. When I started my journey, I had a 504 plan, but as I matured and realized I needed more support, I decided to make the swap to an IEP at the end of freshman year. I have always been extremely involved in the accommodations… Continue reading I LED my IEP Meeting Today

CDC FOIA Update #2

Well, this is a long-overdue update that I'm gonna break into two parts and back-date. This is the first part of that two-part update. For reference and transparency, it's September 2, 2022 as I write this update about events that happened on April 1, 2022. Remember how I said that I intentionally made the request… Continue reading CDC FOIA Update #2

I Submitted My First-Ever FOIA Request

Hey everybody! I've been talking about the FOIA request I submitted to the CDC over on my Twitter for a few days now, but I wanted to centralize everything! I (and many, many other disabled people) have always been skeptical of the CDC from even before the COVID pandemic hit. Then, it hit, and the… Continue reading I Submitted My First-Ever FOIA Request