Archived Twitter Thread: My Routine

This is an archive of my 05/04/2020 thread on routine. The thread can be viewed here.

I thought I’d share my new routine in hopes that someone else can use it and be productive with me. I will be reachable until 9am then I will be off until 11:30am, leaving again at 12:15pm and then on from 9:30-10pm central, (my phone is OFF except during those times).

7:30-8am: Wake up

8-8:15am: Walk/run on treadmill

8:15-8:30am: Shower

8:30-8:45am: Clothes/makeup

8:45-9am: Eat breakfast

9-9:30am: Self improvement activities (sit outside, clean room, meditate/yoga, journaling)

9:30-11:30am: School work (History, Creative Writing, Health)

11:30am-12:15pm: Lunch/break

12:15-5:15pm: School work (Geometry, Biology, English)

5:15-5:45pm: Meditation/Reflection time

5:45-6:30pm: Dinner

6:30-9:30pm: School work (Whichever needs most attention)

9:30-10pm: Wind down for bed

10pm- Bedtime

Gotta do this to better myself and better manage my time. The way I’ve planned it should work, starting tomorrow. Thanks for understanding!